"But in the upper left corner, through a small window, there was a small, remote scene; a lonely beach and a woman who was looking at the sea. It was a woman who looked like she was waiting for something, perhaps some muted, distant call. In my opinion, the scene suggested an anxious and total aloneness." Ernesto Sabato, El tunel. 1948

10/31/20233 min read

To delve into the heart of María Iribarne Art-Lab, or "MIa", it is essential to understand the character of María Iribarne in Ernesto Sábato's "The Tunnel", especially in the following scene:

"In the Salon de Primavera, in 1946, I exhibited a painting called Maternity. It was done in the style of most of my previous paintings; like the critics say with their insufferable patois, it was solid, and well formed. In short, it had the attributes that these charlatans always see in my art, including “something profoundly intellectual.” But in he upper left corner, through a small window, there was a small, emote scene; a lonely beach and a woman who was looking at the sea. It was a woman who looked like she was waiting for something, perhaps some muted, distant call. In my opinion, the scene suggested an anxious and total aloneness.

No one noticed that scene; they passed over it as though it was something unimportant, only decorative. With the exception of one person, no one seemed to realize that that scene constituted something essential. It was the opening day. Some unknown woman stopped for a long time in front of my painting without paying much attention of the large woman in the foreground that was watching a baby play. Instead, she was staring at thescene in the window, and while she was doing that, I was certain she was shut off from the the rest of world; she didn’t even notice the other people who passed by, or stopped in front of the painting."

In this work, Sábato presents us with María as an observer who, through a window in a painting, reveals a unique perception and sensitivity. This scene, although small, is crucial for understanding the depth of her character and her impact on the narrative of the novel.

María, as described by Juan Pablo Castel, the protagonist and feminicide of "The Tunnel," represents not only a sensitivity that only femininity can sustain but also a victim of obsession and gender violence. Castel's one-sided interpretation of María's thoughts and feelings leads to a tragic end, underscoring how obsession, far from being love, becomes a manifestation of control and domination.

At MIa, we pay tribute to the victims of gender violence and celebrate the unique sensitivity of figures like María. This art lab seeks to create a stage where the music of colors becomes a window to imagination, inviting artists, observers, critics, academics, and art lovers to explore this world from a unique and novel perspective.

MIa's mission is to generate a value proposition from color and music, using musical patterns and the Fractal model in notation to build a harmonic circle based on the modern rule of musical fifths.

This approach allows not only the use of musical notes but also the entire framework of chords, melodies, progressions, and harmony to tune the color.

Furthermore, MIa explores the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the visual arts. We believe in the importance of analyzing this phenomenon and its impact, seeing AI not as an usurpation of art but as a tool for creating innovative and significant pictorial proposals. This integration opens up exciting new opportunities for advancing color-music art and creating unique synesthetic experiences.

MIa also becomes a protector and promoter of emerging artists, providing a platform for their works to resonate and connect. Our careful selection of artists ensures that their voices are heard and their avant-garde proposals find a home.

In summary, María Iribarne Art-Lab is a pulsating, multidisciplinary organism that promotes artistic expression, committed to research and experimentation in unexplored areas of art. MIa stands as a beacon for those seeking new horizons in art, offering an academic and creative space for the expansion of the contemporary artistic world.

We invite you to open this window to the imagination and to discover, with us, the new horizons of art and its multiple manifestations. In this sanctuary of creativity, every color, every note, every stroke, every word has a soul, and it is here that they find their home.

Alberto Rubio.

Images produced with artificial intelligence

María Iribarne Art-Lab: A Window to Imagination and a Tribute to Sensitivity

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